Image: Umay with her kittens
Image: Umay with her kittens

Umay and Nimbus Became Proud Parents of Four Maine Coon Kittens

New Maine Coon Kittens are Born!

It seems like only yesterday, our beautiful Maine Coon cat, Umay was a little kitten herself. Now she became a proud mommy of four Maine Coon kittens herself. This is Umay’s very first pregnancy at the age of two.

When she became pregnant her behavior changed very quickly. She became very cautious. Interestingly, Nimbus changed as well. He became very yielding and gentle with Umay. Nimbus is a true gentleman.

Umay’s pregnancy was closely observed by the veterinarian and went completely normal. She was becoming more and more impatient as she was approaching the end of her term.

The last couple of weeks were the worst. Umay wallowed in her misery and became restless. Once, when we prepared our dinner and started setting the table, she jumped on the dining table and started rolling right in front of us. She tried to communicate to us how miserable she felt. She was asking for compassion.

I wish we could do more for her than just a consolation.

Image: Umay on the table

Umay felt so ready to be done with her pregnancy.

And finally, on June 15th, she became very vocal. She meowed while looking at me with an expression of despair in her eyes. She was alarmed by the unfamiliar sensations coming from her own body. Umay didn’t want me to leave her site. She was very vocal even when I stepped out for just a few minutes to take care of the farm.

We almost skipped going to the gym. But, she became very tired and finally fell asleep. When we returned, she was very relaxed and happy to see us. And she still demanded our presence.

That night, Umay made sure that we were aware of her every sound. Her contractions began late at night. And she quickly began birthing. That night, Umay gave birth to four beautiful and very large kittens.

Two of the kittens are tortoiseshell females. Umay’s aunts are torties.

The other two kittens are orange just like Umay. The markings on their faces are very similar to Umay’s markings.

So, we became proud witnesses of new members of our family coming to life. Happy Birthday little babies! Happy Birthday Umay and Nimbus!

Image: Umay with her kittens


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